November 24, 2014

Backlighted portrait of a nude

Playing with the light and the window for this artistic nude portrait of the series Catastrophe and the Cure - portraits of the Women I loved, taken on Kodak Tmaxx 400 and Hasselblad 500c/m

November 17, 2014

Artistic nude photography in black and white of Sara

The camera like a Peepin' Tom for the artistic nude series The Jefferies' Stories, a series I am working on. Beautiful Sara is "spied" by my Hasselblad 500cm on Tmaxx400.

November 03, 2014

Artistic nude portrait of Noelí in black and white

This portrait of Noelí was taken on Tmaxx 400 using a Distagon 50 on a Hasselblad 500cm. It belongs to the series I Love You but I've Chosen Darkness.